Our Catholic Life and Mission
To read our Mission Statement, please click here.
St Anselm's Catholic Life and Mission
Our School's community is founded upon the Gospel values of Love, Hope, Charity, Justice and Peace and these values permeate every aspect of school life...academically, spiritually and socially. We emphasise to students that spiritual fulfilment involves being the best you can be, leaving St Anselm's with the ability and preparedness to lead good, fulfilled adult lives and make a positive contribution to society. The photographs above demonstrate how our Catholic ethos positively influences our day-to-day lives at school.
Catholic Social Teaching
By living out the Gospel values, we are building a community that is in harmony with the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. The Cafod video below explains what Catholic Social Teaching is and how we can use it to guide our everyday lives.
Our commitment to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching is further embedded by our Code of Conduct, known as 'The Three R's', with which we ask students to have respect for themselves, respect for each other and respect for the environment.
Each year, we take one of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching as a focus area for the school. In 2022-23 we focused on care of the poor and vulnerable and organised many charitable events that supported our wider community. In 2023-24, our focus is stewardship, and we are concentrating on the ways that we can care for God's creation by living more sustainably.
Collective worship
A primary aim of the school is building a worshipful and caring community, Consequently, a variety of religious activities are organised throughout the school year. We have Morning Prayer at the start of each day and an act of worship during tutor time. There is a weekly Mass as well as House Masses, feast day Masses, pastoral days, retreats, missions and school assemblies.
Religious education
Whilst encouraging students to deepen their religious commitment, we also aim to show that religious ideas can withstand rigorous intellectual examination. Students in Year 7-8 have five hours of Religious education per fortnight and all students take Religious Studies to GCSE level. The syllabus aims to familiarise them with specific areas of doctrine, sacramental theology, scripture and morals as well as develop relevant skills, concepts attitudes as they relate to religious education. Sixth Form students receive one lesson of Religious Studies per fortnight and many opt to study A Level Philosophy & Ethics which prepares them to take degrees in History, Law, Social Sciences and Theology. |*Parents are reminded of their rights regarding religious education and collective worship contained in the Education Act of 1996.
For our most recent Catholic School denominational inspection report please visit our Ofsted and Catholic School inspection page.
For our RSE policy, please visit our policies page