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Entry into Year 7-11

If your child is already in Years 7-11 and you would like to apply for a place at St Anselm's, you will need to make an in year admission. To do this, please contact Miss Bullard, Admissions Officer on 01227 826200  or email admissions@st-anselms.org.uk to request an application form.

In addition to completing this form you will also need to provide the following

1) IYCAF form 

2)  Clear copy/original of Baptismal/Dedication or Christening Certificate (if applicable)

3) A statement of support, signed by your Parish Priest of Minister of Religion (if applicable)

As a faith school you will appreciate that our admissions criteria differ from those of other schools; details are available below. This enables us to ensure that our over-subscription criteria are applied to all applications in a consistent and fair way.

St Anselm's Catholic School Oversubscription Criteria