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Careers, Education, Information and Guidance


 Careers, Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) Lead:   Miss K Penfold, Vice Principal

Email: K.penfold@st-anselms.org.uk

Telephone: 01227 826 200

 The date of the academy’s next review of the information published: 21st October 2021


At St Anselm’s Catholic School, we aim to ensure that all learners receive careers education, information, advice and guidance that will enable them to choose education and employment pathways that are right for them.  We also make a commitment to equip our learners with the skills to manage their careers throughout their lives.

The aim of our careers programme is to:

  • Enable students to make informed choices about their future career paths;
  • Open students’ minds to opportunities of which they may not be aware;
  • Develop links with a range of community organisations and employers in order to provide students with a broad range of opportunities and experiences;
  • Provide opportunities for students to identify their strengths, aspirations and future goals;
  • Help students understand and develop the necessary skills to equip them for whatever career path they choose;
  • Research and provide up-to-date information about employment, apprenticeships, labour market trends, and Further and Higher Education opportunities.

 As students progress through the Academy they will participate in a range of careers related activities, including:

  • Key Stage 4 GCSE options support and guidance;
  • University workshops and visits;
  • Access to 1 to 1 careers guidance interviews;
  • Post-16 application and progression support;
  • Links with employers, including classroom presentations and workplace visits;
  • Careers related assemblies;
  • Trips to careers fairs.

 Students can see Miss Penfold or their Head of House with any careers questions during any break or lunchtime.  A learner may request a one-to-one appointment if they would prefer a more in-depth discussion.  


Careers, Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) Lead:   Miss K Penfold, Vice Principal
Job Description of CEIAG Lead may be viewed here

Further advice may also be obtained from students’ form tutors, Head of House or
Head of Sixth Form.