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Oscar Romero Award

Our school is proud to take part in the Oscar Romero Award, and we have recently been awarded Participator level status.  

The Oscar Romero Award supports schools in realising and living the unique calling of a Catholic school to become an evangelising centre, by empowering young people and staff to become true agents of the change they want to see in the world by putting their faith into action.

To achieve the award, the school has to demonstrate that the principles of Catholic Social Teaching form an integral part of the day-to-day life of school.  From acts of daily worship and supporting many local charities that care for the poor and vulnerable, to attending whole school Masses at Canterbury Cathedral, by putting their faith into action, our students and staff are helping to create a world where God's love is shown in a tangible, creative and caring manner.  

To find out more about the Oscar Romero Award, visit their website.