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Our Mission Statement

The mission of St Anselm’s Catholic School is to promote the development of all students so that they may achieve their full potential, academically, spiritually and socially.  The school seeks to do this within the context of a Catholic community, where everyone shares a vision based in the Gospel values of Love, Hope, Charity, Justice and Peace. 
That vision is most evident when: 

Staff display high standards of professionalism both in their  teaching and their maintenance of discipline.  This is based on mutual respect, fairness, positive relationships with the students and colleagues and the clear communication of high expectations.

Students are happy, confident and hard-working, when they display a responsible attitude towards their own development, have high aspirations, growing independence and possess self-esteem.

Parents show commitment to their child’s academic and spiritual progress, have high, but realistic expectations and support the school’s work in creating a living community of faith.

Governors are committed and supportive, devoting their efforts to promoting the school’s shared vision and are unafraid to act as a “critical friend”  when necessary.

The mission can only succeed if every member of the community shares in this vision, if everyone’s contribution is valued, if our limitations are tolerated, and if we put our faith in God as the ultimate source of inspiration and support  for our enterprise. 

St Anselm’s is committed to equal opportunities and to serving the wider community and 
recognises the importance  of providing a Christian ethos and environment within school, so that children may feel safe, secure and respected, are encouraged to talk openly and enabled to feel confident that they will be listened to.  All those directly connected have an essential role to play in making  St Anselm’s feel safe and secure.