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Post 16 catch up funding statement


 KCSP 16 – 19 Tuition Fund 2021 – 2022

School: St Anselm’s Catholic School, Canterbury

The 16 to 19 tuition fund is one-off funding for the 2021 to 2022 academic year only. It is ring fenced for strategies specifically targeted to mitigate the disruption to learning arising from coronavirus (COVID-19).

In accordance with the Government guidelines and conditions of funding, the College is prioritising support for students who

  • have not achieved a grade 4 or 5 in English and/or maths
  • have a grade 4 or above in English and/or maths, are from an economically disadvantaged background and would need catch up support to reach their full potential.
  • Have special educational needs and disabilities, particularly where they have experienced additional disruption to learning because of their specific needs and disabilities.

This academic year(2021 – 22) we are expecting to receive £8,449 and have carried over £6,691 from last academic year which will be used to support the tuition costs of providing tuition to small groups of up to 5 students or one to one. The tuition will be spread across the curriculum, particularly English and Maths, but also in vocational and other subjects where this is deemed necessary for the student to achieve their full potential. The tuition will be provided using a mix of our own staff and a third party provider.

Students will be identified and selected for this programme of additional support by reference to the school’s baseline data compared against their expected achievement and where they live based on the school’s records. 

Download: /docs/6th_Form/Post16catchUpFundingStatement.pdf