Students and parents want a school that has the highest expectations of learning and discipline, and one where students are happy and safe. St Anselm’s fulfils these wishes as a strong learning community in which every individual is valued. The staff are dedicated, passionate and committed. The school’s mission is to promote the development of all its students so that they are able to achieve their full potential academically, spiritually and socially.
We seek to ensure that academic potential is fulfilled by valuing the work of all students. There is a consistent focus on securing outstanding teaching and learning in the school, with appropriate pace and challenge in all lessons and excellent behaviour. Students’ progress is regularly measured and appropriate additional help and guidance is given where it is needed. Students are placed in teaching groups most suited to their ability, and these teaching groups are regularly reviewed. Success is celebrated and students are rewarded in many different ways for their efforts . This is truly a comprehensive school.
Students are encouraged to develop spiritually by their membership of a school community founded on the Gospel Values of Hope, Charity, Justice, Peace and Love. We place great value on the quality of relationships, on mutual respect, tolerance and understanding and on reconciliation if difficulties arise. There are many opportunities for students to become involved in the liturgical life of the school through daily worship, Masses, services and retreats. We also emphasise to students that spiritual fulfilment involves being the best that you can be, leaving St Anselm’s with the ability and preparedness to lead good, fulfilled adult lives with a commitment to making a positive contribution to the global community.
Social development takes place through our strong community and the many enrichment opportunities made available to students.
Vertical tutor groups and our House structure means that students of all ages
mix together. We have very high expectations of behaviour and conduct for all. Our strong pastoral care ensures that any difficulties students experience are quickly overcome. Bullying in the school is rare and dealt with swiftly. All stakeholders, students, staff, parents and governors, work together to secure the best possible outcomes for the students at St Anselm’s. We are committed to equal opportunities and to serving the wider community. Ours is a happy, hard-working and positive community. St Anselm’s welcomes applications from Catholic children and from any other children whose families are in sympathy with the school’s Catholic ethos.
If you would like to know more then please take a look at our Prospectus page, or alternatively we would be delighted to welcome you to visit our school. Please contact the School Receptionist (01227 826200) to make an appointment.
We look forward to meeting you and to demonstrating why St Anselm’s is so popular and successful.
Yours sincerely,
Mr P Rowarth
Academy Principal