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Work experience is a fantastic opportunity to start to get an idea of possible careers and provides an unparalleled insight into the world of work.

Internships & Work Experience - HelloGrads      

It is also a chance for employers and businesses to benefit from new ways of thinking and fresh ideas from students. The work experience will also act as a talking point for university and job applications and CV’s. 

Students are encouraged to seek as many relevant experiences and get a feel for what it would be like to work in that industry full time. Here are just some of the benefits of this:

  • Developing skills that can be applied in the classroom
  • Completing work tasks which help to build self-confidence
  • Enhances communication skills
  • Make connections with people for future employment
  • The opportunity to find out what is required to succeed in a particular industry
  • Details of work experience can be put on a resume/ personal statement for UCAS and a CV.
    (Employers are always looking for people with experience and good references so the more someone has, the better chances of finding work).

                                         Professional builders team. Contractor in helmet, builder engineer and  workers people cartoon vector illustration Stock Vector Image & Art - Alamy

Year 10 is also a valuable time for young people to obtain work experience.  Students that wish to use Activities Week (at the end of Term 6) for this purpose are very welcome to do so.  Parents/Carers will need to make their own arrangements directly with the employer and then pass the details of their placement to Miss Penfold, who will make contact with the employer.  For further information on Year 10 work experience, please contact:

Miss Penfold: k.penfold@st-anselms.org.uk 

Mrs Williams: h.williams@st-anselms.org.uk


Year 10 Work Experience Launch PowerPoint (July 2024) 

Year 10 Work Experience Launch Letter (Nov. 2024)  

Year 10 Work Experience Log 2024 

Year 10 Work Experience Log 2024 Instructions & Employability Day Assembly (July 2024)

Top 5 Tips for Getting a Work Experience Placement (Kent Choices)

Click here to see what work experience opportunities are available in your area (Kent Choices)

Quotes from Employers who have hosted a student from St. Anselm's:

"Remarkably enthusiastic all week."

"A pleasure to supervise."

"Showed excelled initiative, attitude and enthusiasm."

"His kind, friendly attitude will take him far."

"A valued member of the team."

"His playlists lifted team spirits and helped motivate."

"Always on time and in good spirits."

"A fantastic employee, very hard working and became a part of our team. Would be welcome here anytime."

"A delight to have as part of the team this week."


Quotes from Parents about how their child got on at work experience:

"We are so proud."

"Enjoyed her week and come home each day excited."

"Impressed with St. Anselm's for phoning the placement to check how she was getting on."

"She has learnt some amazing new skills."

"Has learnt why adults are so tired now after a day at work."

"The whole experience was very positive."

"Found working in a team motivating."

"Enjoyed the responsibility."

"She can't wait to progress this career and will continue to offer support to her old school wherever the opportunity arises."

"She was keen to talk about her day when she arrived home."

Cartoon characters working people different types Vector Image

Year 12 students are strongly encouraged to seek as many relevant experiences as possible to strengthen their university applications and CV’s.  In addition to any ad hoc opportunities throughout the year, students are given an extended period of 10 days work experience at the end of Year 12.  Letters are sent to every student’s home in December and students are advised to seek a placement early to ensure they find somewhere that will benefit their career aspirations.

Springpod is an organisation that brings together universities and employers to create interactive learning programmes to inspire the next generation to take their future into their own hands. This includes virtual work experience and university taster experiences. It is free for every student to give everyone the opportunity to access their resources. Click on the links below to find out more or click here to explore their website.

The World of the British Library

Siemens Energy

Step Inside Accountancy

Speakers for Schools is a UK wide youth charity that is on a mission to help young people find their feet and get the best possible start in life. Click here to access their website and see the latest work experience opportunities.

Click here for the latest full funded work experience opportunities.